Shipping and return policies for White Noise Records

Shipping Info
* Buyer pays shipping, postage depends on the weight and size of each items.
* All Items will be shipped from Hong Kong immediately after payment received.
* Delivery time from 3 to 21 days (without hoilday), it depends on your location and delivery service (E-Express, EMS/SpeedPost, DHL, Regular Airmail, Registered Airmail).

CD Format
* All CD format will ship via Regular Airmail, Registered Airmail, E-Express (not available for all countries, please check the Destination details as below) or EMS/SpeedPost.
* International Regular Air Mail cost is US$3.00 for first single CD format, add US$1.50 for each additional same format as well.
* International Registered Air Mail cost is US$5.00 for first single CD format, add US$1.50 for each additional same format as well.
* E-Express cost is US$4.00 for first single CD format, add US$1.00 for each additional same format as well.
* Postage for those special items such as deluxe package, DVD, boxset...etc, please e-mail us to ask for detail.
* Order multiple items and save on shipping.

VINYL Format
* All Vinyl format will ship via Registered Airmail, E-Express (not available for all countries, please check the Destination details as below) or EMS/SpeedPost.
* International Registered Air Mail cost is US$16.00 for first single 1LP format, add US$8.00 for each additional same 1LP format as well.
* E-Express cost is US$12.00 for first single 1LP format, add US$6.00 for each additional same 1LP format as well.
* Postage for those special items such as deluxe package, DVD, boxset...etc, please e-mail us to ask for detail.
* Order multiple items and save on shipping. Usually if you planning to order the vinyl up to 3 or 4 copies, parcel ship via E-Express, EMS / SpeedPost is much cheaper and faster. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more details.

e-Express offers senders end-to-end online tracking of the items sent to receivers as well as extra convenience. It could be the perfect mailing tool for you.

We are highly recommended E-Express service for all available countries buyer.

Destination: United States, Canada, Brazil, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Israel, Russia, Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Macao, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

Weight: 2kg or below
Delivery speed: It will take 7 to 14 working days for mail items to reach recipients (subject to flight availability and customs clearance and aviation security check etc.). Mail items will be treated as priority mail in the destinations, speeding up mail processing.